Mumbai – September 2017

IEI MSC organized the 5th Ferrocement Day Function at Mumbai. Ferrocement Society of India officials and members were also present. The Ferrocement Day function is organized in India in remembrance of Late Vishu D Joshi, a veteran civil engineer and Architect. Competition awards for the best ferrocement structure are normally given in this function by the Ferrocement Society. The function started with warm welcome by Dr H M Raje Hon. Secretary, IEI, MSC and introductory speech by Er Vijay Ghogare, Chairman IEI, MSC. Er Ghogare told about activities of the state centre. He said ferrocement is a magical technology in the hands of engineers and architects. Use of wire meshes makes the components more strong and as such thickness id reduced. Properties like water tightness, sustainability in earthquakes high strength to…
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Ferrocement Day

Total 6 presentations and demonstrations on various topics related to the workshop theme were held during three sessions by eminent experts of Ferrocement Society of India, Pune. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="2" gal_title="Ferrocement Day"]
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Ferrocement Members Visited Sri Lanka.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="4" gal_title="Ferrocement Members Sri Lanka Visit"] Recently a ten member team visited Sri Lanka. Prof Sunil Kute discussed many things like opening a ferrocement chapter in Sri Lanka with Prof. Ranjith Dissanayake, Senior Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya. Girish Sangle, Hon Secretary, presented some ferrocement publications to this University. Members also visited National Engineering Research & Development Centre of Sri Lanka, Ekala, Jaela where W. P. R. D. Weerasinghe, Principal Research Engineer showed all the ferrocement activities. A foot bridge is already constructed and tested in this campus. Many small houses, silos, shells etc are developed by the researchers in the technology park. Er Weerasinghe assured to participate in the FS2017 event in Kerala. Kiran Rajurkar, Jayant Murudkar, Chandrashekhar Hangekar, Nandkumar Jadhav, Namdev Warade were also…
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Short News

On 15th Oct.2016 at Pani Parishad organised by Dr. Hedgewar Smarak Seva nidhi at Nagar, a Book Titled “Let us Collect Water Using Ferrocement Technology” was released By Dr. Madhavrao Chitale, RSS Kshetriya Prachrak Dr.. Ravindra Joshi, Kshtriya Seva Pramukh Dr. Upendra Kulkarni This is a Book published by Jalvardhini Pratishthan and is in English and Marathi language.
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Ferrocement Day 2016.

Ferrocement Day 2016.

Results of All India Competition for best Ferrocement Structure [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="6" gal_title="Ferrocement Day 2016"] Shrishilp Consultants, Aurangabad has been declared as the winner of the competition for constructing a ferrocement small dam near Satara village in Aurangabad. Ferrocement is a really old technology which emerged before cement concrete, i.e. in 1847. But due to ease in construction, reinforced concrete superseded and became popular. However when curved shapes and light weight construction is required engineers and architects have no other alternative than ferrocement. Ferrocement Society of India has its head office in Pune. Society is promoting this technology as this also gives solutions for earthquake resistant houses. Ferrocement is one of the components in GREEN housing concepts. Ferrocement Society has decided to celebrate 3rd September as the Ferrocement Day every year, in the memory…
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27-28 January 2015

2 day workshop was conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Architecture Kharghar, Mumbai. Prin Mankar and Prof Nandedkar took efforts for the successful workshop. Students made themselves the hyperboloid structure with tying of meshes and pressfilling the mortar in it. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="9" gal_title="workshop"]  
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FERROFIB 2013 – Success of GCE Salem

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="11" gal_title="FERROFIB 2013"]   An AICTE sponsored two week staff development programme on “Behaviour and Applications of Ferrocement and Fibre reinforced Composites” was conducted in the Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem from 3.6.2013 to 14.6.2013 with the objective to promote research in the field of ferrocement Fibre reinforced composites which has great scope and potential in the near future. The information brochure of the staff development programme was circulated to all the engineering colleges and also hosted in the Institution web site. There was unexpected response for this event as about 50 faculty delegates from various engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka participated. The Staff development programme was inaugurated on 3.6.2013 by the Chief Guest Prof. P. Paramasivam, Professorial fellow, National University of Singapore who…
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ISLAMPUR- 3 Feb 2012

One day workshop on “Ferrocement in Civil Engineering Structures” was organized on 3 February 2012 by department of civil engineering, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar (Islampur, Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra) in association with Ferrocement Society. The objectives of the workshop were learning the basics, unique features of the constituent materials, designs, techniques of fabrication and construction, various fields of applications. Very nice brochure was printed by the organizers for inviting the participants. Prof. H.S. Jadhav, HOD, Civil Department was the convener. The write up of the workshop was given to all participants in CD form. During discussions, Prin. Dr. Mrs. Sushama Kulkarni expressed her interest for such new technologies and new research projects for the PG students.
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Roorkee- Dr. Divekar President

Roorkee- Dr. Divekar President, FS had a meeting with Dr. V.K.Gupta, IIT, Roorkee on 23 Nov 2011. Dr. Gupta donated some books to the library of FS. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="20" gal_title="Roorkee-"]
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